Queen Emma Apartments


The Queen Emma Apartments (QEA) are 71 affordable rental units situated within walking distance to the central business district of downtown Honolulu. Originally completed in 1964, this building fell into disuse. The ‘bones’ of this building remain, as does the distinctive masonry facade designed by Jo Paul Rognstad, but the inside has been completely rebuilt using modern construction techniques and materials.

A technique referred to as adaptive re-use, an old office building was carefully examined by engineers and found to be suitable for residential purposes. The dated components on the interior were professionally removed, and tradesmen spent months on end working on every nook and cranny to create a wonderful place to live. For the next 61 years, QEA will remain affordable. This means that those who choose to rent an apartment here will pay no more than thirty percent (30%) of their income as rent.

There are 26 two-bedroom units, 13 one-bedroom units and 31 studio units to serve individuals or families. Amenities include interior bicycle storage on the 1st floor, two laundry rooms and spaces for meeting or exercise.